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Fertilife™ Organic Liquid Fertilizer

Fertilife™ is a series of high-performance organic fertilizers. The ITAD process utilizes thermophilic aerobic fermentation technique, vacuum evaporation and concentration processes to convert pure organic materials into high value organic fertilizers. All the nutrients in the fertilizers are in ionic or chelate forms that can be easily absorbed by plants. Fertilife™ organic fertilizer contains all the nutrients from large, medium to micro-nutrients in balanced proportion as required by crops as well as amino acids, humic acid and other organic materials needed by plants to grow. It is pathogen free, convenient to use and will significantly increase the quality and harvest quantity of crops and plants.


Fertilife™ Organic Solid Pellets

Fertilife™ is a series of high-performance organic fertilizers. It is produced using ITAD technology involving thermophilic aerobic fermentation and vacuum evaporation processes that convert pure organic materials into high value organic fertilizers. All of the nutrients in ionic or chelate form can be easily absorbed by plants. The organic fertilizers contain all large, medium and micro- nutrients required by crops in a balanced proportion, as well as amino acids, humic acid and other organic materials that can help plants grow. It boasts the advantages of offering plants all-round nutrition, high fertility, high disease resistance, and effective improvement of soil quality and easy to use.